May Gibillini, inHEALTH Founder and President
I often get asked why inHEALTH has gone to the trouble of building the LAT Compendium, especially when the LAT decisions are available for free.
In response I ask, how much time does it take to research and find the most relevant and meaningful information, how accessible is it, and what is ‘free’ costing you?
One way to answer these questions is to show you some examples of how those already using the Compendium are saving valuable time.
1. Compare multiple decisions in one scroll versus multiple tabs
In this example, we compared the same search parameters between inHEALTH’s LAT Compendium which returned 5 decisions versus a ‘free’ alternative which returned 60.
1. Compare multiple decisions in one scroll versus multiple tabs
In this example, we compared the same search parameters between inHEALTH’s LAT Compendium which returned 5 decisions versus a ‘free’ alternative which returned 60.
With inHEALTH’s LAT Compendium, you can compare multiple decisions in one scroll, accessing each ‘Read More’ case summary from the same page with the added feature of a direct link to the full decision.
Versus a ‘free’ alternative which returns full decisions that must be opened in multiple tabs
2. Targeted ‘Issue Based Searches’ versus only ‘Keyword Searches’
In this example, when searching ‘Reasonable and Necessary’, inHEALTH’s LAT Compendium returned 15 concise summaries where the search criteria was specifically considered by the LAT, versus a ‘free’ alternative that returned 191 full decisions where ‘Reasonable and Necessary’ was mentioned.
inHEALTH’s LAT Compendium has organized the issues with precision, that allow you to target exactly what you are looking for
Versus a ‘free’ alternative that is ‘keyword’ only
3. inHEALTH does the work upfront by identifying materiality and relevance
In this example, inHEALTH’s LAT Compendium uses ‘Referenced Cases/Legislation’ as a Primary criteria to search section 55 under the SABS. inHEALTH’s LAT Compendium returned 7 decisions versus a ‘free’ alternative that returned 22.
inHEALTH’s LAT Compendium only returns cited cases/legislation that are relevant to your search
Versus a ‘free’ alternative that lists every case that merely mentions the provision
inHEALTH’s Interactive LAT Compendium is tailored to guide you through LAT decisions with ease and precision not provided elsewhere. We bring a combined 70+ years of AB/BI experience to our industry-leading case summaries and organized search filters that put unbiased, factually-based information at your fingertips.
So ask yourself, can you afford ‘free’?
To learn more about inHEALH’s LAT Compendium visit our ‘How it Works’ page here.