Fundamentals of AB/BI Training a Good Investment

by | Feb 14, 2017 | AB/BI

Learning and development for jobs that require experienced-based specialization can be tricky to navigate. This is especially a priority for the Property and Casualty (P & C) industry. In particular, recruiting and retaining accident benefit and casualty adjusters continues to be a challenge.

This was highlighted in a survey of 26 P & C Human Resource professionals who indicated that attracting and retaining accident benefits and casualty adjusters is the most urgent priority.

As a result of the demand, adjusters are often fast tracked into these critical positions where fundamental practical knowledge is gained on the job.  Alternatively, organizations will hire experience with the assumption that the fundamental knowledge already exists.

Does this cycle sound familiar?

With the ever-increasing demand for individuals to assume these critical roles, there is a risk of employers forsaking fundamental knowledge and training in favour of practical skills to fill demands. This often leaves adjusters unprepared and destined to become overwhelmed.

Injury claims require both a technical knowledgebase as well as a practical skillset that takes years to develop. Today, accident benefits and casualty adjusters require strong fundamental understanding of both disciplines, as AB and BI claims are so often inter-related. This appears destined to become even more prevalent given the reduction of accident benefits as of June 1, 2016.  Industry stakeholders are anticipating an offload of medical and income replacement benefits to tort claims.  Hence, the requirement for expert knowledge of both disciplines has emerged in Ontario.

A solid fundamental understanding provides the catalyst for critical thinking. Facts may be facts, but how they are interpreted may vary. This is nuanced in injury claim management, where claims are multifaceted; the adjuster must consider the complexities of the injured party, the complexities of the injuries, and the complexities of the legislation.  The insurance contract and application of the legislation, the impact on people, and what motivates them are all a part of injury claim management.

Great adjusters possess a strong foundation from which they can develop both their technical and practical skills.  Fundamental skills and knowledge are the critical underpinning that will allow advancement and transferability.

A well-heeled fundamentals program is a better investment in the long run; it will keep professionals engaged and confident.  Learn more about specialized training for industry professionals.

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